Your social media effort
Work on Free Traffic Sources First
Start making short 3-minute videos on your phone about your skills, products, and services. Sign up for your YouTube account. Use YouTube for generating free traffic.
Go over to and start up your affiliate account. Incorporate the Clickbank product into your videos.
Write up 99 short (300 words) blog posts on subjects similar to the Clickbank product. Post these onto Facebook.
Do some quick Google research and find 15 blogs that are have a focus on the Clickbank product/subject.
Post these onto Twitter.
Start a calendar so you can post 300 words out to each blog once each week. This is called guest posting. Be sure to include images.
Create an Instagram account. Start gathering followers that are interested in this Clickbank product/service.
Make informational (not sales) posts up onto Reddit about your product or service. Offer to do demos for people.
Tell Me What It Tastes Like!
The central point of social media marketing is content that educates, entertains, makes people think, and gives them something to work with. If you make people laugh, it is all the better, too.
Recently I posted an image of the cafe menu where we stopped in for a burger. Little hole in the wall, 5 tables and the other half of the room was a grocery store. Within 24 hours, I had over 100 comments wanting to know if the food was good!
Now whereever we stop for lunch, I get a snap of my plate and put 100 words about taste, location, and ambiance. People want to know about what is good out there. And this is your opportunity.
The Live Video
A friend recently did a 10-minute video on saddling her horse. A guy I know did a video on how to tear off a roof. I am personally fascinated with how people propagate roses and will watch 2 hours of those videos.
People are watching more and more facebook live videos. Set up a hsort how-to video and post it up to Facebook. See how many views and comments it generates. Consider doing another. Respond to all the inquiries.
****You don’t have to appear in the videos. You can voice it, or find a friend who will do it for you.*****
Set up your Pinterest account today.
You wil need to start with 7 boards and each of those boards must have at least 12 images/posts. Use a Pnterest expert from Upwork to help you get invites out to releveant boards. Set up a calendar so you know when to post what on which day. Watch to see if any image trends develop.
When you cross -post to Twitter, be sure to expand on the backstory of the post. Urge readers to go click your links and learn more. You can use free images to build a library of graphics for your posts. Canva is the pro here,
Create a calendar of upcoming events as a post. Find local events that tie into national events. National ice cream day. National Change Your Socks Day.